NFT Warna Warni Cinta, Sociopreneur Implementation
Implementing NFT as an asset of confirmation for every charity, creating asset for future comodity and giving experience of social support. Supporing Skizofrenia house of Denpasar
5 Days Sold out
Only 5 days gathering 50 Milion Rupiah money.
Most of them non Crypto User
90% of the buyer is non crypto user
NFT for Ticketing Event : Event organizer business go to Web3
Using NFT, we are deploying NFT as event ticket and invitation. With Betamax NFT wallet ecosystem and NFT enabler Engine, event ticket transform the form from phisical to virtual form.
Smartcontract Reader
Betamax wallet, creating Smartcontract Reader to read the smartcontract and confirm it
Be collectible, control the utility
The NFT ticket can be use for further use or utility
NFT for Membership : First step consumer business to Web3
NFT can be a membership, every NFT will be created on specific smartcontract. Every smartcontract on NFT will be giving the benefit of the business., the smartcontract generator
No need to understand about blockchain code, or smartcontract code, will creating it.
Easy to handle the membership
Make Membership card easy to handle for client and controling by the business.
NFT Chocolate : the sweetest NFT ever
With Chocolate Capital and the artist in Baliola marketplace, We creating business model of NFT for supporting farmer and climate using Kokoa Tree. Every single NFT will represent the tree and will be giving the profit of every tree making. Colaborating the business of agro, chocolate factory and chocolate cafe together.
it sold 131 NFT in first launch
It got hipe and sold 131 NFT in the launch, its already planting 131 tree and we are using Fiat money to buy the NFT.
Dozen of Benefit
Lot Lot of benefti, the holder will not regret it
Virtual Guide : Developing Sustainable Tourism Concept with web3 Technology
Combining Augmented Reality and NFT technology, we creating first ever virtual guide for tourism destination in Bali. On B20 Summit one of the choice for tour is Sakenan temple, We deploy this technology forthe tourist. We will creating enhancement of this technology and spreading it to all over bali. : Implementation of Copyright Law on NFT is NFT marketplace that focus on protecting the copyright of the artist. With Directorat Jendral of Intelectual Property, Baliola is trying to promote how Blockchain will empower the Law of Copyright